Hip Thrust
This innovative machine allows to perform the thrust movement of the hips and to train the back muscles of the thighs particularly focusing on the glutes. The Hip Thrust is comfortable, also when using big loads, thanks to the widely adjustable footrest and the tilting backrest that follows the movement of the user during the exercise. Muscles activation: the workout focuses on the rear muscles of the thigh with specific activation of the glutes; in fact, thanks to the flexed knees, the pressure of the hamstring muscles is reduced, making easier the isolation of the gluteus maximum. The Hip Thrust exercise can be performed with both thighs, in mono-lateral version for a higher stimulus on the gluteus maximum; in any case, the performance of the exercise requires to control the core stability for the correct posture of the back.
The Master Gluteus simulates the movement that is defined the “kick of the mule”. The originality of the Master Gluteus lies in the possibility to regulate the thrust movement on 3 different angles (PATENTED), through a slider in order to work on 3 different trajectories.
POSITION 1 (inclination level 80°): the thrust exercise is performed along a very inclined trajectory, almost vertical, to facilitate the specific action of the gluteus with a partial contribution of the hamstring muscles and of the quadriceps.
POSITION 2 (inclination level 62,5°): the thrust is performed along an intermediate trajectory; in this case the action of the gluteus gets the help from the hamstring muscles and from the quadriceps to support the femur extension.
POSITION 3 (inclination level 45°): the movement is performed along an inclined trajectory of 45°, that activates the gluteus muscle with consistent help of the hamstring muscles and a better engagement of the quadriceps.

Standing Abductor
The Standing Abductor simulates the abduction of the hips. The machine produces a constant resistance during all the r.o.m ensuring an efficient and physiological workout on the side and back muscles of the thigh that can be performed in two different ways.
EXERCISE 1 (mono-articular): the exercise includes the hips abduction also on the horizontal level, keeping the squat position and going up to the trunk flexed of about 60° (angle hip/femur) during the two phases of the movement. Muscles activation: the workout focuses on the glutes workout with engagement of the minimum and medium glutes, and bigger participation of the gluteus maximus.
EXERCISE 2 (multi-articular movement): the exercise starts with a deep flexion of the lower limbs and abduction of the hips; it follows the ascent phase with an extension of the pelvis up to a partial distension of the lower limbs. Muscles activation: the double movement of the hip, abduction and extension, allows a complete activation of the gluteus muscles, with a specific stimulus of the gluteus maximus. Even the hamstring muscles and the quadriceps are activated in an isometric way and in order to keep the the user's position stable.
This machine reproduces the specific action of the gluteus maximus through the mono-lateral extension of the femur on the pelvis in a position that is almost similar to the four-legged movement (flexed and inclined backed trunk). The point of application of the resistance, compared to the lower limb is put at a femoral level supported by a roller; this allows the gluteus to work isolated without a massive participation of the hamstring muscles (especially if the knee remains flexed during the performance). Execution: the exercise involves the mono-lateral extension of the hip on the pelvis, while keeping the knee flexed. For a correct performance of the exercise the users are suggested to keep under control the core stability so to avoid too much stress for the back muscles.