Gym Equipment Modifications
Panatta gym and fitness equipment can be modified in the colour of the frame and moving parts, with many different finishes ranging from metallic to solid colours. Panatta also allows you the flexibility to change the colour of the upholstery and embroider your logo branding into the padding allowing for unique fitness equipment that matches your corporate branding. Gym equipment modifications to the commercial gym and fitness equipment make it more secure and we can cator to your specific requirements. Gym modifications on our Panatta commercial gym equipment are now available, so transform your gym with customised equipment and talk to us today.
// Features
Weight Selector
Isotonic counterweight equipments have a weight selector specifically designed for use inside detention centres.
The selector is stuck to the head counterweight with a chain whose length is calibrated in such a way as to allow full range of motion and the exploitation of the maximum load allowed by the machine.
Bars and Grips
Bars and grips handles are fastened permanently with a carabiner screw which prevents extraction.
Machine Domes
The frame cover fairings are permanently anchored to the machine.
All caps covering pillars and exercise arms are fastened to the machine.
The backrests are anchored to the pillar with a chain of adequate length to ensure complete excursion, allowing use of all the settings.
Special limit switch system which prevents the escape of the seats and leg rolls, allowing selection of all the settings.
Special limit switch system which prevents the escape of the seats and leg rolls, allowing selection of all the settings.
Cable Protection
Particular cable protection system that prevents its extraction throughout the range of movement.
Feet and Ground Fastening
To ensure maximum security and stability the classic plastic feet are replaced by a special plate for fastening to the ground. Thanks to these special feet designed for detention institutions, the machines can be attached permanently to the ground.
All the cardio machines are equipped with specific foil feet that allow fixing the machine to the ground.
Handlebars and Seats
The handlebars and seats of the bike are always blocked by a special chain which prevents extraction. The inserted chain presents a suitable length to allow selection of all settings of both the handlebar and seat. In indoor cycling bikes, for safety, all straps are also removed from the pedals.
Modifications for Detention Institutions
Sport and fitness training are tools that can alleviate the health problems linked to long periods of detention, and can certainly contribute to improving the quality of life. The Panatta company is supplier of many detention institutions at the international level. Below are examples of the modifications that make our machines conform to safety regulations required by the prisons. All moving parts are made safe so that they cannot be extracted in any way.
- To adapt our machines to the detention institutions regulations we perform a number of special modifications on both counterweight isotonic and cardio fitness machinery. These changes are intended to ensure that no element of the machine can be removed ensuring maximum security and reliability.
- Adjustable parts, such as seats and backrests are permanently anchored.
- External accessories such as grips and bars are permanently anchored to the machine with suitable screw hooks.
- Replacement of both twin function and cable knobs with special non-removable shutter knobs.
- Permanent anchoring of all pillars closing caps.
- Elimination of external accessories such as water bottles holders and padding plastic covers.
- Covering casings permanently fixed to the structure.
- Optional application of special paints to ensure maximum durability of the machinery inside detention institutions located in desert and sea areas.


Border / Optional

Special / Optional

Exclusive Edition / Optional








Panatta gives you the opportunity to choose the color of the frame and moving parts. 6 possible variants, which will make your machines unique and in line with the style of your club.
*The six colors options are available only for the HP line. Different finishes may be available for other lines or products. Contact us for more information.


Glossy Silver


Red / Optional

Yellow / Optional

Glossy Black / Optional

Orange / Optional

Gold / Optional

Pink / Optional

Green / Optional